Prisões no Brasil no Século XIX: problemas e debates acerca da reforma prisional
Prisons in Brazil in the 19th Century: Problems and Debates Surrounding Prison Refor
The text highlights the attempts at prison reform in Brazil in the 19th century, which faced challenges such as overcrowding and a lack of uniformity in regulations. From the 1870s, Brazil participated in international debates on the subject, sending representatives to international penitentiary congresses, such as those in London (1872) and Stockholm (1878). These congresses were essential for the exchange of experiences and the dissemination of new models for the prison system, such as labor for the rehabilitation of inmates. Despite the influence of these events and the discussions on the standardization and modernization of prisons, Brazil took time to implement significant changes. Brazil's participation in these congresses highlighted the concern for modernizing the prison system, although practical reforms progressed slowly.
Keywords: prison reform, international debates, penal labor.