
  • Caio César Cuozzo Pereira Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro


Fidélis dos Santos Amaral Netto (1921-1995) was a brazilian journalist, businessman and politician. Between 1956 and 1960, he founded and directed the magazine Maquis in Rio de Janeiro. In 1960, he was elected constituent deputy of Guanabara by the União Democrática Nacional (UDN). This event marked the end of his management of the Maquis, restricting his participation to the activity of a columnist During the Jânio Quadros government (1961). Having in mind his status as a politician and journalist in that context, this article questions what ideas, representations and interests he expressed through the Maquis. Despite the ephemerality of the Quadros government, this is a relevant temporary cut because to its effects in the political, economic and social fields. Thus, the proposed hypothesis is that Amaral Netto instrumentalized the government’s moralist ideology in a self-legitimizing discourse. A strategy that, to some extent, aspired to exercise power over the society.


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