A Aliança Renovadora Nacional (ARENA) e os "governadores biônicos": uma análise sobre a política partidária paraibana durante a Ditadura Militar


  • Dmtri da Silva Bichara Sobreira Universidade Estadual da Paraíba


This article aims to analyze how the “bionic governors” were appointed by the dictatorship and the performance of the National Renewal Alliance (ARENA) in this process. The dictators were instruments of intervention by the military regime in the states, while ARENA was a political party created by the dictatorship to provide political support to brazilian authoritarianism, with the nominees for the position coming from the ruling party. Using as a sample, those chosen to govern the state of Paraíba in 1970, 1974 and 1978, we seek to understand how the federal nucleus of the dictatorship intervened and negotiated with local power, sometimes imposing its interests, sometimes conciliating with Arenistas leaders. In this sense, it opens up the possibility of understanding how Brazilian political culture influenced the functioning of the political system designed by the dictatorship.


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