Atuação feminina em territórios de pesca: uma cartografia do saber-fazer no Baixo Tocantins, nordeste paraense


  • elizayne yza xavier farias universidade federal do pará
  • Eliana Teles Universidade Federal do Pará


The aim of this article is to understand in what ways the process of social cartography can be used in the context of the narratives of fishing territories, especially in relationships involving the role of women as agents of transformation within these communities. To fulfill the objectives of this work, the theoretical framework of the study is deepened, the daily life of the group of Concheiras, women who collect mollusc shells in beach regions around the fishing community of Palmar, located in the insular region of the municipality of Abaetetuba, northeast paraense. The use of social cartography for a deeper understanding of these relationships, from the perspective of the research subject, is one of the most relevant aspects within social cartography. When we use the term social cartography, we have to understand that its main purpose is to give visibility to individuals within their legal space. Starting from an ethnographic research, the article brings an approach to the social reality of women who collect molluscs within the Palmar community, emphasizing their relationships and their articulations for the maintenance of the territory. In this way, the visibility of the practices carried out by these women allows us to initially understand the actions and affirmations of citizenship.


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Author Biography

elizayne yza xavier farias, universidade federal do pará

Estudante de mestrado PPGCITI UFPA campus Abaetetuba, formada em cinecias naturais com habilitação em biologia. 

