
  • Alexssandra de Lemos Pinheiro State University of Roraima
  • Ediane Sousa Miranda Ramos State University of Roraima
  • SELENE DIAS NUNES State University of Roraima
  • ROSEANE PARENTE CUNHA State University of Roraima



Amazônia; Cultura Científica; Espaços Não Formais; Formação de Professores.


Non-Formal Spaces (ENFs) have shown great contributions to the expansion of scientific culture, based on motivating classes that generate cognitive gains in students. Addressing the potential contributors of ENFs from the initial training of teachers will contribute to the possibility of greater use of these spaces in their planning. In this context, the work aimed to discuss the potential contribution of NFEs in the Amazon, in Teacher Education in Boa Vista - RR, in the perspective of demystifying the use of these spaces in teacher planning. The present work contemplates a qualitative approach, with an exploratory and descriptive objective, carried out with 10 academics of Chemistry and Biological Sciences at the State University of Roraima (UERR), from a training course for teachers in training, on the theme “The Non-Formal Spaces of Boa Vista/RR and their potential contribution to Science Teaching”. It was found that the discussion on the topic increased the number of NFEs known by academics, as well as broadened the perspectives of future teachers regarding the use of these spaces in their pedagogical practice. It can also be concluded that although most academics recognize some contributions from the use of ENFs for the teaching and learning process, there is still the importance of reflecting on the need to break with the demystifications in the training of teachers who tend to use outdated means and that they contribute little to Science Education.

Author Biographies

Alexssandra de Lemos Pinheiro, State University of Roraima

Master s in Science Teaching from the State University of Roraima - UERR. Degree in Visual Arts at the Claretiano Centro Universitário (progress). Graduated in History at Claretiano Centro Universitário (2016) and graduated in Pedagogy at Faculdade Atual da Amazônia (2010). She is currently a teacher at the Municipality of Boa Vista in Kindergarten and Early Years of Elementary School for the positions of regular classroom pedagogue and Art Educator and supervisor Scholarship by Capes in the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarship - PIBID of the pedagogy subproject of State University of Roraima. She has experience in the field of Education, with an emphasis on Education and Science. She develops studies in the area of Scientific Dissemination, Scientific Literacy and Use of Non-Formal Spaces.

Ediane Sousa Miranda Ramos, State University of Roraima

Master in Science Teaching from the State University of Roraima - UERR, Graduated Professor in Pedagogy by FAI (Faculdade de Itaituba, 2008), Graduated Professor in Letters/Literature by UERR (State University of Roraima), Scholarship Supervisor by Capes in the Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarship for Teaching - PIBID from the State University of Roraima. She is currently a statutory teacher since 2009, working in Basic Education (1st to 5th year) by the   (Municipal Education Department - Smec), teaching the subjects: Portuguese, Mathematics, Science, History and Geography, with an emphasis on the early years of Elementary School.

SELENE DIAS NUNES, State University of Roraima

Student of the Professional Master's Degree in Science Teaching at the State University of Roraima - UERR, Graduated in Pedagogy at the North University of Paraná (2009). And also specialization in School Management by the University - Facetem, A second specialization by the Federal University of Roraima - UFRR, in Education in digital culture. With extensive experience in the field of Education, working in the field from 1999 to date. She has served in various roles such as and positions; Kindergarten teacher, Elementary School, Youth and Adult Education, Educational Advisor and learning advisor with projects focused on disciplinary pedagogical issues, multidisciplinary teacher for young people and adolescents in social vulnerability, assistant in the computer room, pedagogical support to management and school coordination and currently exercising the role of Educational Advisor and teacher of basic education. All with an emphasis on Education.


Master's Student of the Professional Master's Program in Science Teaching - PPGEC at the State University of Roraima - UERR. Graduated in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Roraima - UFRR. Postgraduate in School Pedagogy at the Brazilian Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Extension - IBPEX. Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from the Federal University of Roraima - UFRR. She has experience as a teacher in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education and EJA. She currently works as a teacher of Basic Education in the Municipal Education System of Alto Alegre-RR and in the State Education System of Roraima.

ROSEANE PARENTE CUNHA, State University of Roraima

Master's student in Science Teaching at the State University of Roraima, Teacher in the early years of Elementary School at the Municipality of Boa Vista, RR, Boa Vista –RR and Professor of AEE in the final years of Elementary School by the Department of Education and Sports of the Government of Roraima (SEED), Boa Vista-RR. Pedagogue by the State University of Roraima (UERR). Specialist in Pedagogical Work Management: Supervision and Educational Guidance -Uninter and post-graduate in Special Education- Claretian. Experience in Early Childhood Education.


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How to Cite

PINHEIRO, A. de L.; RAMOS, E. S. M.; NUNES, S. D. .; OLIVEIRA, J. D. N. M.; CUNHA, R. P. . NON – FORMAL SPACES IN THE AMAZON: BUILDING DEMISTIFIED LOOKS IN TEACHER TRAINING IN BOA VISTA - RORAIMA. Revista Amazônida: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Amazonas, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 01, p. 01–14, 2021. DOI: 10.29280/rappge.v6i01.10031. Disponível em: // Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.