Amor; mãe; irmãos; Dois irmãos.Abstract
The family is the stage for all feelings, or at least that's how it should be. Freud (2011), when giving shape and method to Psychoanalysis, dedicated himself intensely to investigating this group, especially its apparent origin, the mother and the baby. Based on this, this article aims to analyze the conflictual family relationship in the novel Dois Irmãos, by Milton Hatoum (2000), from a Freudian psychoanalytic perspective, focusing on the bond between Zana's three children: Yaqub, Omar and Rânia. In Freudian theory, the baby perceives himself as one with his mother and she, over time, distances herself from him, so that the infant realizes that his mother is no longer an extension of his body. In this distance, other subjects enter the relationship; the first, traditionally exposed by Freud, Would be the father, but it can be any person or situation that removes the mother from skin-to-skin contac with her child. In Dois irmãos there is a peculiarity, Omar and Yaqub are twins, which makes this perception of being one happen to both, as well as the disconnection from they mother. In this way the first bond announces love and, later, hatred. In the exposed plot, it is not the father who makes the mother-baby separation, but the brother (his equal?). Love and hate are born one after the other and intersect several times. When Rânia is born, three subjects are already established around the mother, making Zana a contested figure.
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