Child of the Dark and decolonialism
Carolina Maria de Jesus, Michel Foucault and Simone Weil
Self-writing, Philosophy and Literature, Uprooting, Colonialism, SubjectivizationAbstract
This essay seeks to build a dialogue between philosophy and literature, aiming at an interdisciplinary approach to the issue of decolonialism, having as main material the literary work Child of the dark (1960), by the Brazilian writer Carolina Maria de Jesus. We intend to approach the issue having, as an interpretive horizon, the thoughts of the philosophers Michel Foucault and Simone Weil. Foucault's idea of self-writing, worked by the author in his seminars and, above all, the idea of writing as self-care and interpretation of the subject as an active part in the process of its subjectivization. And Weil's with her statements on colonialism and the idea of uprooting the soul.
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