
  • Special Edition Forest Week
    Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024)

    The Sustainability International Scientific Journal is pleased to announce a special edition coinciding with Forest Week, an event that brings together researchers to share their latest studies. This edition will focus on the intersection between sustainability, climate change, and resource management in the Amazon, highlighting the challenges faced and the innovations proposed. We accept contributions that address the severe impacts of extreme weather events on community life and forest resources, also emphasizing the crucial role of women in the forestry sector and the challenges they face. Furthermore, we encourage submissions(Template-Abstract/Modelo-Resumo) that examine the current landscape of forest management, discussing the adversities and emerging opportunities in the timber industry that facilitate adaptations to climate change. Additionally, we welcome papers on how initiatives related to the carbon market and bioeconomy can drive forest management practices that are both sustainable and effective, fostering a comprehensive and integrated understanding of the complex interactions between the natural environment and human activities.

    Submissions can be made directly through the website. If it is necessary to send abstracts or original articles via email, please use the following address:

    Only the submissions from participants registered for the 2024 Forest Week will be accepted. Registration link:
  • XX Semana de Agronomia - SEMAGRO
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024)

    A edição especial da XX Semana de Agronomia - SEMAGRO apresenta 17 resumos acadêmicos que destacam avanços e desafios na agronomia da Amazônia. Estes trabalhos foram escolhidos para mostrar inovações agrícolas, biodiversidade e sustentabilidade, influenciando o futuro da agricultura. Os temas variam desde a genética de culturas como o cubiu até práticas de manejo em quintais agroflorestais de Manaus. Discussões também abrangem a segurança alimentar, com estudos sobre produtos como o leite de búfala e novas culturas como o maxixe-melão. Além disso, examinam-se inovações em produtos fermentados e o impacto ambiental das práticas agrícolas sobre a erosão do solo e a biodiversidade. Este compêndio é um recurso valioso para futuras pesquisas, destinando-se a estudantes, pesquisadores e profissionais da agronomia e ciências ambientais, enfatizando a importância de práticas inovadoras e sustentáveis.

    Organizadores UFAM: Dra. Edivânia dos Santos Schropfer; Dr. Ayrton Luiz Urizzi Martins; Dr. Daniel Felipe de Oliveira Gentil; Dr. José Carlos Martins Brandão; Dra. Lúcia Helena Pinheiro Martins.

  • capa da revista Sustentabilidade International Scientific Journal com o ISSN online 2966-280X

    Fluxo Contínuo
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024)

    This first volume brings together a set of multidisciplinary research studies that address critical aspects of sustainability and biodiversity in the Amazon. Divided into three main sections, it highlights conservation practices, studies on species and ecosystem diversity, and addresses socioeconomic responses to environmental challenges. From the analysis of territorial management policies in extractive reserves to the use of advanced technologies for studying biomass, the articles offer a broad view of how science and technology can support sustainable development in the region. In addition, this volume not only reports on current practices and challenges in the Amazon, but also presents perspectives on how social inclusion and adaptations to climate change are being integrated into environmental management strategies.