
  • Maria Alice António João Manuel Da Cruz Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação na Cidade do Sumbe, (ISCED C.S), Cuanza Sul Angola
  • Juana Daudinot Gamboa Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação na Cidade do Sumbe, (ISCED C.S), Cuanza Sul Angola
  • Vilma Guerra Vento Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação na Cidade do Sumbe, (ISCED C.S), Cuanza Sul Angola.


The subject referring á psychomotricity has been deserving a reflection on the part of many professionals of childhood, in this case the present work has as theme: The stimulation of the fine psychomotricity in children of the Pre-school age. For the characterization of the objecto of the investigation the Methodology of study descritiva/interpretativa was used. The same allowed, starting from different methods of the level theoretical, empiric and statistical mathematical, the accomplishment of a theoretical-practical study of the main theoretical conceptions on the theme referential (analysis of documents, interviews and proofs for evaluation of abilities motive manipulations), in correspondence of the sociocultural context in that she happens. To the parents and education person in charge it was given them the authorization request to work with the children in actividades for stimulation of the fine psicomotricidade, in way to check their abilities. Made the analysis of the results, it was noticed the lacks that show in the development of the abilities psychomotor manipulations in the children, therefore it is imperious that it is stimulated with effectiveness actividades to promote and to contribute to the improvement of the psychomotricity and larger manual ability and for a future one written in the researched children.  

Key words: psychomotricity, thin motrocity, stimulation, children, Pre-school 


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Author Biographies

Maria Alice António João Manuel Da Cruz , Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação na Cidade do Sumbe, (ISCED C.S), Cuanza Sul Angola

Professora Titular - Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação na Cidade do Sumbe, (ISCED C.S), Cuanza Sul Angola

Juana Daudinot Gamboa, Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação na Cidade do Sumbe, (ISCED C.S), Cuanza Sul Angola

Professora Titular - Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação na Cidade do Sumbe, (ISCED C.S), Cuanza Sul Angola

Vilma Guerra Vento, Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação na Cidade do Sumbe, (ISCED C.S), Cuanza Sul Angola.

Professora Titular -  Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação na Cidade do Sumbe, (ISCED C.S), Cuanza Sul Angola.

