Being-LGBTAI+ and the reminiscences of life:

beyond prejudice and discrimination



Homophobia, coping, resilience, LGBTIA , Phenomenological-Existential Psychology


Members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT+) movement continually report situations in which they are execrated, violated in various ways, marginalized by people who cannot live with diversity, including reports from family members and members of religious institutions. Concomitant to this fact, these people are able to face this harsh reality, however, there is little literature regarding this way of being in the face of oppression and violence, which already characterizes the relevance of a project with this meaning. Thus, the aim of this study was to understand the process of coping with and overcoming homophobic situations by members of the LGBT+ movement in Manaus, under the perspective of Martin Heidegger's phenomenology. The research bias is qualitative, with descriptive and exploratory characteristics. The method used is the phenomenological-psychological and data collection through audio recorded phenomenological interview that started from a guiding question that after transcribed and analyzed gave rise to four categories: 1) The discovery of who I am: the manifest im-possibility; 2) Prejudice and discrimination: meanings of the experience in its consequences; 3) The confrontation that allows me to say, I have overcome: today's look at yesterday; 4) To you who are experiencing prejudice and discrimination: my legacy. It is concluded that there are several challenges that the participants experienced, however, the confrontation of prejudice made it possible for them to look over themselves and take the responsibility of their existence for themselves, including drawing attention to this fact to those who are experiencing situations of this nature.


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Author Biographies

Janderson Costa Meira, Baptist Superior School of Amazonas - ESBAM

Human Resources Manager at UNIP – Manaus. Graduating in Psychology at Escola Superior Batista do Amazonas (ESBAM). Member of the Research Group in Phenomenological-Existential Psychology (CNPq). Member of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Laboratory (LABFEN/UFAM). Email: Orcid:

Camille Façanha, Federal University of Amazonas

Student of the Course of Arts – Japanese Language at the Federal University of Amazonas. E-mail: Orcid:

Elisabete Gonçalves da Silva, Baptist Superior School of Amazonas - ESBAM

Student of the Psychology Course at Escola Superior Batista do Amazonas (ESBAM). E-mail: Orcid: https//

Milena Cecília Barroso Fernandes, State University of Amazonas -

Student of the Medicine Course at the University of the State of Amazonas (UEA). E-mail: Orcid:

Ewerton Helder Bentes de Castro, Federal University of Amazonas

Doctor in Psychology by FFCLRP/USP. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology/UFAM. Leader of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Research Group (CNPq). Coordinator of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Laboratory (LABFEN/UFAM). Email: Orcid:

