O toque, o abraço e o amor como bases para a formação de vínculos afetivos



bond, touch, hug, love


An essay within the scope of Clinical Psychology, inspired by existential phenomenology and Gestalt-therapy, problematizes the composition of affective bonds. The function of touching contact, hugging in the scenarios of house, home, hospital and covid-19 is included, as well as love to identify the structure of the bond. The relevance of the theme results from the perception of physical and social distances between people. Books, dissertations, theses and articles were used for metatheoretical dialogue. Views were found on the links between people; symbolic meanings of house and home that interfere with emotional development; about the fatigue of working in the hospital that reduces empathy with the inclusion of humanoids in the wards; and about polyamory as a way to broadening to unite in marriage. I conclude that the love expressed as Philia, Agape, Eros, Charity, Polyamor is the fundamental support for the human condition, and the main support that sustains the formation of bonds; the hug is the foundation for the installation of trust and communication without manipulative games.


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Author Biography

Adelma Pimentel, Federal University of Pará

Full Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences, Faculty of Psychology and PPGP, Federal University of Pará. E-mail: adelmapi@ufpa.edu.br Orcid: https://orcid.org0000-0003-0048-4976

