The Parish Factory and the Bishop:
Ultramontane Politics and Ecclesiastical Heritage in the First Episcopate of Alagoas (1901 to 1910))
Abstract: The following text analyzes the representations of "ultramontane politics" and its relationship with ecclesiastical heritage during the episcopate of Dom Antônio Castilho Brandão in Alagoas (1901-1910). The study focuses on the period following the Proclamation of the Republic, seeking to understand how Dom Antônio, aligned with the Catholic project of the time, managed the Church's assets, regulated religious practices, and disciplined the clergy. Recognized by his biographers as the founder of the diocesan seminary, Dom Antônio showed great concern for the management of the Church's patrimonial goods, as evidenced in his correspondence with the parish priests. Utilizing Cultural History (CHARTIER, 1989) and critical discourse analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001), the study aims to unveil the elements and adaptations of the restructuring project of Catholicism in Alagoas during the early decades of the Republic.
Keywords: Ultramontanism. Ecclesiastical Heritage. History of Alagoas.