A pena de prisão e a criminalização de pretos e pardos em Recife no final do oitocentos


  • Karolina Beatriz Barros Cavalcanti Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)


The present work pretend to verify, based on primary sources such as the entry and exit books of the "Casa de Detenção do Recife", a penitentiary located in Recife, the Criminal Code of 1830 and the Penal Code of 1890, and supported by a bibliographical survey, the prevalence of the prison sentence over other types of penalties and how it contributed to the criminalization of black and "pardo" people in Recife at the end of the 19th century. In a historical context where not having white skin no longer meant being enslaved, which intensified with abolition, the concepts of color and race were mobilized to create social places of distinction and, consequently, segregation, making it relevant to investigate how this process developed.


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Dossiê Temático "História Social das prisões e punições"