between conflicts and accommodation

the law of salary compression and labor court


  • Vitoria de Oliveira Barroso Abunahman Universidade Federal Fluminense


This article aims to analyze how law 4725/1965, known in trade union circles as the wage tightening law, was received by the Labor Court. Through the analysis of large circulation newspapers in Rio de Janeiro city, we discovered that the two largest Labor Courts in Brazil expressed divergent opinions regarding the application of the law. The Court of Rio de Janeiro (1st Region) applied the new salary determinations without further questioning, while the Court of São Paulo (2nd Region) declared the law unconstitutional and continued to judge according to previous criteria. Throughout the article, we will see how Labor Court dealt with divergences within its body of judges and functioned as an important intermediary for the application of salary compression policy through the validation of law 4725 and the publication of prejudgment number thirteen by the Superior Labor Court.


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