
  • Vania Maria Nunes dos Santos UNICAMP
  • Raimundo Humberto Cavalcante Lima UFAM
  • Maria Rosária do Carmo UFAM
  • Carmem do Socorro Rocha dos Santos UFAM


This paper aims to present a proposal for the development of collaborative research projects, with socio-educational and participatory practices to geoconservation in the Amazon. The formation of students-professionals-citizens aware and integrated in a sustainable way to the place/environment where they live implies a new way of understanding the relations with this place/environment, its problems and socio-environmental challenges, as an example of the implementation of the Geopark Cachoeiras do Amazonas, in Presidente Figueiredo — AM. The preliminary challenge proposed here is to involve the local population. The more the community (re)knows its place/environment and its heritage, the more it will be able to value and preserve it. The insertion of education for environmental citizenship in the perspective of social learning contributes to the development of reflective and collaborative attitudes, as well as the motivation and awareness of citizens to socio-environmental responsibility through innovative participatory practices. To this end, these projects include theoretical and practical activities in geosites of the region associated with the use of participatory methodologies as tools for social learning. Among these methodologies, the Socio-environmental Mapping stands out as a didactic-pedagogical tool for diagnosis, participatory planning, and collaborative action that aims to promote the involvement of different social actors in the gathering of diverse information about the place/environment. The research projects under development, doctorate and master's degrees, keeping their specificities in mind, have been identifying geoenvironmental assets and involving different stakeholders, focusing on basic schools, with the training of teachers and in the training of students from the Geology course at the Federal University of Amazonas.

Keywords: geoconservation; participatory methodologies; socio-environmental responsibility.


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Author Biographies

Vania Maria Nunes dos Santos, UNICAMP

Professora permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino e História de Ciências da Terra do Instituto de Geociências da UNICAMP. Professora colaboradora do Programa de Pos Graduação em Geociências (PPGGEO/UFAM. Pesquisadora associada do Núcleo de Apoio à Pesquisa em Patrimônio Geológico e Geoturismo - GeoHereditas do Instituto de Geociências da USP.

Raimundo Humberto Cavalcante Lima, UFAM

Professor associado III do Magistério Superior da UFAM, pertence ao colegiado do curso de Graduação em Geologia (ICE/UFAM). Na pós-graduação, é professor permanente do curso de Geociências (PPGGEO).

Maria Rosária do Carmo, UFAM

Professora Adjunto II do Magistério Superior da UFAM, pertence ao colegiado do curso de Graduação em Geologia (ICE/UFAM). Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino e História de Ciências da Terra do Instituto de Geociências da UNICAMP.

Carmem do Socorro Rocha dos Santos, UFAM

Geógrafa, Professora da Secretaria de Educação de Presidente Figueiredo (AM). Mestranda do Programa de Pós Graduação em Geociências da UFAM/PPGGEO. Discente do Programa de Pós Graduação em Geociências da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (PPGGEO/UFAM).

