Histórias Desmedidas Project and the confluences between Psychology and Education:
research and interventions with young people on the outskirts of Fortaleza
Psychology, Education, Youth, Intervention research, ExtensionAbstract
The objective of this article is to present the implementation of initiatives linked to the Histórias Desmedidas project that exemplify the articulation of investigations in the scope of postgraduate studies with extension actions, from the perspective of research-inter(in)vention, all carried out in the territorial context of Greater Bom Jardim (GBJ), southern peripheral area of the city of Fortaleza (CE). The project integrates the actions of the Research and Intervention Group on Violence, Social Exclusion and Subjectivation (VIESES), linked to the Department of Psychology and the Postgraduate Program in Psychology at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). 4 experiences carried out between 2023 and 2024 will be highlighted and which highlight the potential of encounters between Psychology and Public Education, as well as between research and extension: 1) “Bom de Papo”, an initiative that emerged in 2018 and 2019 with the proposal to discuss trajectories and perspectives of young people and adolescents focusing on homicide prevention, which was reactivated in 2023 and 2024; 2) “Disassembling the White Cube and Building Other Worlds”, a continuation of Bom de Papo that promotes spaces for experimentation and dialogue about artistic narratives; 3) the “Youth Festival”, held in the GBJ territory since 2018, configuring itself as a space for elaboration, integration, sharing and re-existence for peripheral communities, promoting a culture of valuing human rights through culture and art ; and (4) the “psychosocial support group for LGBTQIA+ youth”.