

Training in psychology, Mandatory internship, sports psychology, people with disabilities, goalball, IERC-RN


This article deals with contemporary issues regarding undergraduate studies in psychology, with an emphasis on understanding how students are exposed to psychology and practices during their training, to demonstrate how this reality occurs, an experience report on the experiences lived in the field of Stage II to complete the Integrative Practices II discipline, of the bachelor's degree course in Psychology at UNINASSAU-RN, which was faced with the need of ensuring the development and emotional balance of goalball athletes and providing support to deal with the psychological factors that influence their daily lives and during competitions. The objective of the reported work was to understand the field of sports psychology, as well as the types of interventions to be used for PWD with low vision and the blind with regard to performance on the court and teamwork. Receptions were held with athletes, as well as a reflection on the obstacles they face in their personal lives that interfere in their performance. During the entire process, it was possible to understand the need for support and psychological support for the athlete, as well as how external factors can interfere with the team's performance. Based on this report, it is possible to perceive the potential for development, learning and mutual collaboration present in the objectives of practices in psychology, which take place in different realities, seeking to meet present demands, in addition to providing the student with the perception of horizons of action in contemporary times.


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Author Biographies

Valéria Maria de Sousa Laranjeiras, Faculeste


Pós-graduanda em Psicologia Clínica pela Faculeste, pós-graduanda em Gestalt-terapia pela Faculeste. Graduanda do 9° período no curso de Psicologia pela UNINASSAU. Bacharel em Ciências Econômicas pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) com honrarias acadêmicas. Supervisora no Grupo Caule e empresária do setor de móveis. Contatos via e-mail Orcid:

Jane da Silva Paes, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Jane da Silva Paes,

Mestranda em Psicologia pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas -UFAM.  Especialista em Psicologia Clínica de Base Fenomenológica pelo Instituto de Ensino Vision.  Especialista em Saúde Coletiva pela Faculdade Venda Nova do Imigrante (FAVENI).  Bacharela e Psicologia pela UFAM. Licenciada em Pedagogia pela Faculdade Única de Ipatinga (FUNIP).  Professora do curso de Psicologia da Universidade Nilton Lins (Manaus-AM). Preceptora em Psicologia na Pós-graduação em Saúde Pública com ênfase em Estratégia de Saúde da Família (UEA/ESAP). Coordenadora Adjunta da Liga Acadêmica de Psicologia Fenomenológico-Existencial (LAPFE/UFAM). Membro do Laboratório de Psicologia Fenomenológico-Existencial LABFEN (FAPSI/UFAM). Supervisora no Projeto   de   Extensão   Plantão   Psicológico   em   escolas   do   sistema público de ensino em Manaus.  E-mail: Orcid:

Ana Amélia Carvalho Guimarães Tinoco, Uninassau - Natal


Cursando o nono periodo do curso de Psicologia na Ununassau - Natal RN. Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade de Uberaba (Uniube) de Uberaba MG. Contato via e-mail:  Orcid:

