The applicability of discourse analysis in idiographic psychological research

Possibilities and obstacles



Discourse analysis, qualitative research, discursive psychology


Discourse analysis is a methodology that emphasizes psychological phenomena constructed in interaction. In the mid-1980s, Psychology began to emphasize this method because of the restructuring of the object of study of Psychology, considering that in the discourse, there is a "social action" that is evoked in the act of speaking and being with the other. However, this methodology that values language as a cognitive phenomenon from which thoughts and actions emerge presents some limitations that were the object of reflection in this article. The methodology was tested in a corpus analysis on "Multiple Religious Belongings" in which young college students could express their opinions about the possibility of reconciling two or more religions. Discourse Analysis proved to be a strategic alternative to connect the participant's context to their speech, allowing a deeper analysis of the meanings of the speech. However, it was evidenced that the lack of description of the steps that should be followed for analysis weakens the possibility of replication and inferences about the object of study.


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Author Biographies

Alexsandro Medeiros do Nascimento, Federal University of Pernambuco

PhD, Department of Psychology – Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) – Coordinator of the Laboratory for Studies on Self-Consciousness, Consciousness, High-Order Cognition and Self (LACCOS). E-mail:

Getúlio Tito Pereira de Oliveira , Federal University of Pernambuco

Tax Auditor of the State Revenue of Ceará. Doctoral student of the Graduate Program in Cognitive Psychology at the Federal University of Pernambuco. Email:

Hortência Cruz de Albuquerque , Rural Federal University of Pernambuco

Professor of Higher Education, Exclusive Dedication regime, at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE). Doctoral student of the Graduate Program in Cognitive Psychology at the Federal University of Pernambuco. E-mail:

Antonio Roazzi , Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Ph.D., Department of Psychology – Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). Email:

