The phenomenological method of research in health areas in publications in Brazil



Phenomenological method, psychology and health research, phenomenology


The phenomenological research method has been a means of disseminating knowledge, characterized as a qualitative bias, favoring the understanding of the studied phenomena, with emphasis on the analysis of the meanings attributed by the participants. This article aims to understand how the phenomenological method has been used in psychology and health research. For this, we sought to identify in the context of research in psychology and health those that appear the most; analyze and compare which areas of study use phenomenology; and in what practical way the method is used. It was carried out from the databases of scientific production, BVSalud, SciELO, PePsic and PsycINFO; For the inclusion of the results, a time span of 5 years was considered, research that used the phenomenological method in the treatment of their data, which were carried out by psychology or any other area of health. The phenomenological method was used by the nursing area in 16 articles, in psychology 3 and in physiotherapy 1. It is concluded that the method has enabled the construction and transversalization of knowledge in the areas of psychology and health


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Author Biographies

Janderson Costa Meira, Santa Teresa colleges

Human Resources Manager at UNIP – Manaus. Graduating in Psychology from Faculdade Santa Teresa. Member of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Research Group (CNPq). Member of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Laboratory (LABFEN/UFAM). Attendant of the Psychological Duty Extension Project in schools of the public education system in Manaus. Academic director of the Academic League of Phenomenological-Existential Psychology – LAPFE (FAPSI/UFAM). E-mail: Orcid:

Jane da Silva Paes, Federal University of Amazonas

Psychologist (CRP10/8174) Master's student in Psychology at the Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM. Specialist in Phenomenological Clinical Psychology from Instituto de Ensino Vision. Specialist in Collective Health by FAVENI. Bachelor in Psychology from UFAM. Technical Coordinator of the Academic League of Phenomenological-Existential Psychology (LAPFE/UFAM). Member of the Laboratory of Phenomenological-Existential Psychology LABFEN (FAPSI/UFAM). Supervisor at the Psychological Plantão Extension Project in public schools in Manaus. Email: Orcid:

Nadynne Araújo de Oliveira, Federal University of Amazonas

Psychologist (CRP 20/11.041) from Universidade Paulista. Graduate student in Neuropsychology: neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation at the Child Behavior Institute of Miami. Master's student in Psychological Processes and Health at the Federal University of Amazonas. Member of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Laboratory (LABFEN/UFAM). Technical tutor of the Psychological Duty Extension Project at the Academic League of Phenomenological-Existential Psychology (LAPFE/UFAM). Email: Orcid:

Paula Vitória de Oliveira Teles, Federal University of Amazonas

Psychologist (CRP 20/11.810) by Nilton Lins University. Master's student in Psychological Processes and Health at the Federal University of Amazonas. Member of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Laboratory (LABFEN/UFAM). Technical tutor of the Psychological Duty Extension Project at the Academic League of Phenomenological-Existential Psychology (LAPFE/UFAM). Clinical Psychologist at the SUPER Extension Project - Samsung Project. Email: Orcid:

Breno de Oliveira Ferreira, Federal University of Amazonas

Psychologist and sanitary pedagogue with a PhD in Collective Health from the Fernandes Figueira Institute of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (2019). Master in Science and Health from the Federal University of Piauí (2016). Specialist in Family Health from the International University Center (2014), in Educational Psychology from the State University of Maranhão (2016) and Education in Human Rights from Unifesp (2022). He is currently a professor-researcher at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), in Manaus, and works in undergraduate and master's courses in Psychology, in the line of psychological processes and health. He is part of the Structuring Teaching Nucleus (NDE), of the Research Ethics Committee, of the Gender Equity Commission and of Pet-Saúde. He is coordinator of the graduate program in Psychology (UFAM). He is leader of the research group (CNPq) - Nucleus of health, sexuality and society (NÓS), coordinator of the Laboratories of Psychology, Health and Society in the Amazon (LAPSAM), and vice-coordinator of the League of Health Psychology and Public Policies. He also works as a permanent professor in the graduate program in collective health (UEA). Email: ORCID:

Ewerton Helder Bentes de Castro, Federal University of Amazonas

PhD in Psychology from FFCLRP/USP. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology/UFAM. Professor of the undergraduate course and the Graduate Program in Psychology (FAPSI/PPGPSI/UFAM). Leader of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Research Group (CNPq). Coordinator of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Laboratory (LABFEN/UFAM). Coordinator of the Extension Project Psychological duty in schools of the public education system in Manaus (FAPSI/UFAM. Scientific coordinator of the Academic League of Phenomenological-Existential Psychology – LAPFE (FAPSI/UFAM) E-mail: Orcid: https ://

