The mirror, the family, the flight of Pegasus:

the adolescent existentiality in the Psychological Duty



Psychological duty, adolescent existentiality, phenomenological-existential psychology, clinic of the three glances


Countless daily factors have assaulted the lives of adolescents, often culminating in them not being able to experience this phase of human development in a full, autonomous way. This study aims to understand the various dimensions of this adolescent's gaze on himself, on the other and on the gaze of the other. It is a study under the quantitative and qualitative bias, where measurable and quantifiable data are presented and, in the second moment, excerpts from adolescents' speeches collected during counseling. For the analysis of the speeches, an adaptation to the phenomenological-psychological method is used and the discussion is based on the phenomenological-existential theoretical contribution. The weekly meetings were with 27 adolescents, aged between 11 and 17 years, 11 female, 14 male and 02 self-declared bisexual. They brought several situations they had experienced and with which they did not know how to deal: sexual harassment (2), dysfunctional family relationships (2), self-image (1), bullying (4), significant losses (2), depression (1), self-injury ( 2), self-esteem (1), difficulty socializing (4), deep sadness (1), insecurity (1), stress (1), gender bias (1), self-demand (1). 3 categories were elaborated: 1. The look in the mirror shows me someone I don't recognize; 2. Relational configurations: family in its nuances and details; 3. The flight of Pegasus: in search of the possibility of being-oneself. The phenomenological understanding of existentiality permeates the adolescents' speeches and understands these experiences of pain and suffering, encouraging reflection on the part of adolescents regarding strategies for coping with these situations. It is concluded that the psychological duty makes it possible to resize what is expressed and makes them understand the emotional, personal and relational weaknesses in the lives of adolescents who seek the service.


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Author Biographies

Branca Cecília Benício, Baptist Superior School of Amazonas - ESBAM

Psychopedagogue graduated from Faculdade Metropolitana do Estado de São Paulo. Psychologist graduated from Escola Superior Batista do Amazonas – ESBAM. Member of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Research Group (CNPq). Member of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Laboratory (LABFEN/UFAM). Attendant of the Psychological Duty Extension Project in schools of the public education system in Manaus. Email: Orcid:

Kétora Pereira Gonçalves Gomes, North University Center - Uninorte

Undergraduate student in Psychology at Centro Universitário do Norte - UNINORTE. Member of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Research Group (CNPq). Member of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Laboratory (LABFEN/UFAM). Attendant of the Psychological Duty Extension Project in schools of the public education system in Manaus. Email: Orcid:

Ewerton Helder Bentes de Castro, Federal University of Amazonas

Postdoctoral and PhD in Psychology from FFCLRP/USP. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology/UFAM. Professor of the undergraduate course and the Graduate Program in Psychology (FAPSI/PPGPSI/UFAM). Leader of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Research Group (CNPq). Coordinator of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Laboratory (LABFEN/UFAM). Coordinator of the Extension Project Psychological duty in schools of the public education system in Manaus (FAPSI/UFAM. Scientific coordinator of the Academic League of Phenomenological-Existential Psychology – LAPFE (FAPSI/UFAM) E-mail: Orcid: https ://

