Body that is mine, but not me:

the non-recognition of being-itself



Adolescence, historicity, silenced corporeality


Adolescence is a stage of development filled with anxieties, concerns, revelations. It is urgent to recognize the various dimensions present in adolescence. The objective of this study is to bring a case study obtained in the psychological shift in a public school in Manaus on the historicity of a trans teenager under the bias of Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology. It is a qualitative study and uses parameters of the phenomenological-psychological research method in Psychology. The narrative speaks of abandonment, sexual abuse and difficulty with the original body. It concludes how relationships with the other can be experienced as an element that causes the emergence of a silenced corporeity where the non-recognition of oneself as a body is experienced under the bias of pain and suffering.


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Author Biographies

San Zureik Calacina da Silva, Baptist Superior School of Amazonas - ESBAM

Graduating in Psychology at Escola Superior Batista do Amazonas. Member of the Research Group in Phenomenological-Existential Psychology certified by CNPq. Member of the Laboratory of Phenomenological-Existential Psychology LABFEN (FAPSI/UFAM). Member of the Psychological Plantão Extension Project in public schools in Manaus. Member of the Academic League of Phenomenological-Existential Psychology (LAPFE/UFAM). Email: Orcid:

Ewerton Helder Bentes de Castro, Federal University of Amazonas

PhD in Psychology from FFCLRP/USP. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology/UFAM. Professor of the undergraduate course and the Graduate Program in Psychology (FAPSI/PPGPSI/UFAM). Leader of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Research Group (CNPq). Coordinator of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Laboratory (LABFEN/UFAM). Coordinator of the Extension Project Psychological duty in schools of the public education system in Manaus (FAPSI/UFAM. Scientific coordinator of the Academic League of Phenomenological-Existential Psychology – LAPFE (FAPSI/UFAM) E-mail: Orcid: https ://

