Influence of the essential oils of lemon grass and pedestrian tea on the intestinal health of broilers.
ABSTRACT: The search for natural products that presents antimicrobial activity has intensified due to the appearance of bacterial strains resistant to several antibiotics. Among the products that can be used in substitution for the use of performance improvement are products of plant origins such as essential oils, which have been highlighted by the antimicrobial action. Thus the present study was developed to evaluate the influence of essential oils of lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) and pedestrian tea (Lippia aff. Rotundifolia) on the intestinal microbiota in the content of the small intestine of the broilers in the cut-off period to 1 to 42 days, diets foods containing: ration control diet (Without antimicrobial or performance improver), ration control diet with antibiotic (Enramycin and Salinomycin), control ration with 120 mg of lemongrass essential oil, control ration with 120 mg of oil Essential of pedestrian tea. The birds were distributed in a completely randomized design, with four treatments and three replicates. The count of mesophiles and coliforms and the presence and absence of E.colie, Salmonella, were evaluated. There were no significant differences between the treatments (P <0.05), so the use of essential oils in ration to broiler feeds from the 120mg concentration, it did not affect the intestinal microbiota.
KEY WORDS: Poultry, Cymbopogon flexuosus, Lippia aff. rotundifolia, additives, medicinal plants
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