Japanese Language Teaching. Nasalization. Manaus.Abstract
The objective of this research is to analyze the phenomenon of manauara nasalization in the pronunciation of the Japanese language, focusing on the phonological and phonetic variable, considering if they can become an obstacle in language acquisition. Through bibliographic research, data collection, questionnaire application and recorded interviews with students of the Letters - Language and Japanese Literature course of the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), we tried to understand when these variables are realized in the pronunciation of the language. Japanese by the manauara speaker. For this, we considered the intralinguistic and extralinguistic aspects, using Praat software for sound analysis. From the obtained results, it was concluded that the Manauaras participants have a tendency to nasalize successful nasal consonant vowels when in a stressed syllable position, so that the production of this phenomenon can generate misunderstandings regarding the understanding of the meaning of certain words.
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