

Haiku. Japanese immigration in the Amazon. Nature.


 One of the criteria for developing the haiku poem is the presence of kigo, which literally means the term of the season, and can perceive, in this sense, the appreciation of nature through this poetic art concise, consisting of verses of 17 syllables, in order of 5-7-5 syllables. Thus, the present study aims to bring reflections about the haiku poems produced by the Japanese immigrants in Amazonas, pointing out the relationship between man and the environment, in order to make a simple and brief development of the fauna and flora of the Amazon region. Alfredo Bosi (2015, p.9) affirms this creative, reflexive and imaginative character of poetry as "the shelter of memory, the tones and modulations of affection, the play of imagination and the stimulus to reflect, sometimes Act". It is an investigation of bibliographical character and, in this sense, it rests on the readings of the pertinent texts, fichamento of the theoretical works and the corpus. It is adopted as a procedure for the research of the corpus, initially, the translations of the poems into Portuguese of works written in Japanese language, followed later by interpretation and analysis, emphasizing the contents related to the ecosystem, interwoven in them. The importance of this research is based on the peculiarity with which the haiku poems are produced in the Amazon by the Japanese immigrants, employing as kigo the elements of the Amazonian nature. Also, it was verified that there is a guild for the production of haiku poems in Japanese language by the group of immigrants linked to the Brazilian-Brazilian Association of the Western Amazon, whose meeting happens monthly. It is a preliminary investigation that highlights the harmony of man with the Amazonian nature.


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Author Biography

Linda Midori Tsuji Nishikido, Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM)

Professora de Língua e Literatura Japonesa da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM). Possui mestrado em Letras (Língua Literatura e Cultura Japonesa) pela Universidade de São Paulo (2017). Graduação em Letras - Língua e Literatura Japonesa pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas (2017), em Ciências econômicas pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas (1982), em ciências contábeis pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas (1996) e em Licenciatura em Língua e Literatura Portuguesa pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas (2012). Atua principalmente nos seguintes temas: imigração japonesa no Amazonas e relatos orais.


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