
  • Leonardo Reis Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Comparison. Translation. Poetry. Japanese Literature. Haiku.


ABSTRACT: This text proposes a comparison between translations of three haiku by Japanese poet Kobayashi Issa (小林一茶, 1763-1828) to Brazilian Portuguese and American English with the intent of presenting examples of how such poetry is disseminated inside those two cultural communities, and establishing criteria for future translations of this genre. The target language texts will be analyzed in relation to Campos’s (2006) concept of recriação, since haiku is a poetic form which relies on compositional elements from outside the sphere of semantics. Zhirmunsky’s view of Comparative Literature (2011) exposes the influence of social and historical elements on the composition act, and helps to achieve a better understanding of the differences between the translations, due to the different positions taken by the translators in relation to the poems in Japanese and the different objectives pursued by each translator. Such differences appear through the act of comparison, presenting how a wider consideration of the context of production, the author’s attributes and the extra-semantic elements related to haiku composition are closely associated with a better translation performance; as well as the consideration of the location and function of such elements inside the texts.


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