Society; Social Interaction; Teaching; Learning; Foreign LanguageAbstract
The objective of this study is to reflect on the relevance of social interaction, understanding it as a facilitative element in the process of teaching and learning languages. It is a qualitative bibliographical research that has by method the review of the literature. This study is supported by the theoretical contribution of Matui (1995), Oliveira (1997), Rego (2002), Vygotsky (1998; 2008). The results obtained confirm the relevance and benefits of social interaction as something that actually helps the process of teaching and learning languages. In this sense, it is essential a Teacher Education in which there is the perception and use of inclusive activities that promote moments of interaction between teacher-student and student-student in the classroom so that, from it, communication can favor the socialization of knowledge. New meanings, obtained through contact with a foreign language, may give the students the possibility of appropriating from the new knowledge, constructing, in this way, culturally situated meanings in their own language.
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