Sense and Sensibility, Elinor, Marianne, Immanence, DissidenceAbstract
In the perspective of the feminist literary criticism and the political feminism, this paper aims to do a comparative analysis between the protagonists Elinor Dashwood and Marianne Dashwood in the novel Sense and Sensibility (2014) by Jane Austen; showing the immanence of Elinor and the dissidence of Marianne in England, between the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries. In consideration that, Elinor represents the “Home Angel” while Marianne represents the “rebelliousness”. Methodologically, our work consists in an exploratory research with a bibliographical slant, remitting to the inductive method; in which we have done an interpretative and critical-reflective reading about the literary narrative. As theoretical basis, we have relied, amongst others, on the conceptions by Azerêdo (2013); Beauvoir (2009); Campbell (2015); Mangueira (2017); Millett (1970); Muraro (2002); Perrot (2017); Woolf (2019); Wollstonecraft (2016); Zardini (2013); Zolin (2009). In conclusion, we have noticed that Jane Austen constructs Elinor Dashwood as submissive to show the total acceptance of her legal, civil, and political context. And, at the same time, she constructs Marianne Dashwood as subversive, who is presented in the narrative in order to refute all oppressive actions against her gender, including in relation to the institution of marriage.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Francisco Edinaldo de Pontes, Ana Flávia da Silva Oliveira, Jaqueline Vieira de Lima

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