
  • Silvia da Silva Nunes UFAM
  • Cássia Maria Bezerra do Nascimento UFAM


: This work addresses the mythical residues in the poems “Rondel do Taperebá” and “Rondel do Tucumã” present in the book Sol de Feira by Amazonian author Luiz Bacellar. Each poem in Sol de Feira is dedicated to the typical fruits of the Amazon region, using expressions and cultural aspects of the region related to his imagery, at the same time that the poet uses poetic modes inherited from different periods of Literature. The objective of this study is to analyze how the poet recreates in verse aspects of Amazonian culture, relating them to residues of Greek literature and culture, with emphasis on mythology, with readings based on the Theory of Literary and Cultural Residuality, systematized by Roberto Pontes ( 2022), which says that the residues of the past can be perceived at later times in another culture; and in Amazonia: myth and literature (2003), about myth and literature and Amazonian culture: a poetics of the imaginary (1995) about Amazonian culture. The analyzes of the two selected poems observed that classical poetry and myths are involved in new guises in Luiz Bacellar's poetic production, which leads to the conclusion that mythical residues of literature and culture reveal legacies of the past in the construction of Amazonian poetics.

KEYWORDS: Mythical residues. Amazonian culture. Fair Sun.


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How to Cite

DA SILVA NUNES, S.; BEZERRA DO NASCIMENTO, C. M. . RESÍDUOS MÍTICOS EM SOL DE FEIRA, DE LUIZ BACELLAR. Revista Decifrar, Manaus, v. 11, n. 21-B, p. 42–53, 2023. Disponível em: // Acesso em: 20 dec. 2024.

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