
  • Grace Ferreira Leal semed
  • Rebeca Lima


The human is structured from the relationship with the other, usually in a family context. Thus, we can infer, therefore, that in the family relationship we receive tradition, customs and the behavior towards society. Consequently, with love it could not be different, although the individual, who receives the transmission, rework what was communicate to him, verbally or not, since the first months of life. Thus, the present text aims to discuss, having as theoretical support Psychoanalysis - especially Freudian - on the behavioral changes observed across generations. Where children re-edit characteristics inherited, often unconsciously, from their parents or from the family nucleus. For this analysis, we took as a base two artistic genres, here already linked in their conception: film and poetry, condensed in the feature film “Música para morrer de amor” (“Music to die of love”). In this work, plot and poetry flow in the same direction. Poems are in the highlight when, for example, the character cannot put into words what he feels. This absence in the characters' verbal language may be an indication of parental repetition not elaborated by the subject yet. Therefore, the discussion generated an intertwining of Art and Psychoanalysis, plot and poem, where the word is the way through which the individual gives meaning to the crises and events experienced. This word that can be accompanied by music and this amalgamation indicates a possible junction of what the subject, somehow, already manages to make sense of and what he still miss.


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How to Cite

FERREIRA LEAL, G.; LIMA, R. DITOS POÉTICOS E A REPRESENTAÇÃO DO AMOR NAS RELAÇÕES PARENTAIS. Revista Decifrar, Manaus, v. 10, n. 19, p. 147–160, 2022. Disponível em: //periodicos.ufam.edu.br/index.php/Decifrar/article/view/10240. Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.