Adequação Calórica da Nutrição Enteral em Pacientes em Tratamento Intensivo

Calorical Adequacy of Enteral Nutrition in Intensive Care Patients


  • Sarah Almeida Cordeiro HUGV
  • Eliana Kezia Queiroz de Souza HUGV
  • Veronica Chasse Thurler Micchi HUGV
  • Rosane Dias da Rosa HUGV


Enteral nutrition. Caloric needs. Malnutrition. Intensive care.


Introduction: Enteral nutrition is an important therapy for intensive care patients, that’s why the caloric intake offered to these patients has been discussed in the literature. Objectives: To verify the adequacy of caloric intake, the presence of gastrointestinal intercurrences and malnutrition in adult and elderly patients who received exclusive enteral nutritional therapy in the intensive care unit in a university hospital. Methods: Cross-sectional and observational study with adult and elderly patients in intensive care who received exclusive enteral nutrition. It were observed and analyzed the anthropometric variables, prescribed and infused calories percentage, gastrointestinal intercurrences and the nutritional status of the patients for ten days. The Fisher’s exact test has been applied to verify the existence of independence between qualitative variables and the Wilcoxon test to compare the means of the analyzed data. Results: Nine patients, aged between 27 and 86 years old were evaluated, among them there were four adults and three elderly, all undernourished. It were recorded 23 intercurrences, but diarrhea was the only one among the malnourished. The calories infused were adequate, accounting for 86.4% of the prescribed calories. There was no difference in the nutritional status and number of intercurrences between the patients who had and those who did not have the caloric recommendation. Conclusion: The patients had an adequacy of infused calories, however the caloric intake did not correlate with gastrointestinal intercurrences and nutritional status.


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