O perfil antioxidante no ritmo circadiano de Jambos malaccensis, Ocimum gratissimum e Astrocaryum aculeatum

The antioxidant profile in the circadian rhythm of Jambos malaccensis, Ocimum gratissimum e Astrocaryum aculeatum


  • Jakeline Menezes Alves Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Instituto de Saúde e Biotecnologia (ISB/UFAM)
  • Anderson Oliveira Souza Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Palabras clave:

Perfil Antioxidante, Ritmo circadiano, Radicais livres, Plantas amazônicas, Metabolismo secundário


Free radicals generation is controlled in organisms by several mechanisms, including antioxidant compounds, a challenge in industrial research in recent years to search for natural antioxidants for food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical ingredients. The present study evaluated the antioxidant compounds extracted from leaves of Amazonian plants such as Jambo (Jambos malaccensis), Alfavaca (Ocimum gratissimum) and Tucumã (Astrocaryum aculeatum) and their influence with circadian rhythm. The antioxidant activities of such plants were evaluated by the ability of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydraza (DPPH) to block free radicals, as well as the analysis of free radical damage in lipids by thiobarbituric acid reaction (TBARS). The results obtained by DPPH suggest important information in all samples analyzed, however, the extracts from Alfavaca showed better results showing a higher antioxidant potential in the sixth hour of exposure to sunlight. Results related to the TBARS method indicated lower µM MDA/mg rate in Jambo samples at twelfth light (0.19 µM MDA / mg) and sixth day without daylight (0.22 µM MDA / mg) , suggesting an important antioxidant action compared to the Alfavaca (0.94 and 1.25 µM MDA / mg) and Tucumã (0.54 and 0.60 µM MDA / mg) samples for the sixth hour with and without sunlight. Thus, we demonstrate important antioxidant effects from such plant extracts as a result of circadian rhythm, an important information for the extraction and study of extracts from such Amazonian plants.


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Cómo citar

MENEZES ALVES, J.; SOUZA, A. O. O perfil antioxidante no ritmo circadiano de Jambos malaccensis, Ocimum gratissimum e Astrocaryum aculeatum: The antioxidant profile in the circadian rhythm of Jambos malaccensis, Ocimum gratissimum e Astrocaryum aculeatum. Revista Ensino, Saúde e Biotecnologia da Amazônia, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 19–28, 2020. Disponível em: //periodicos.ufam.edu.br/index.php/resbam/article/view/6491. Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.