
  • Enio José de Andrade Rodrigues Instituto Metropolitano de Ensino no - IME/ (FAMETRO) Manaus.
  • Ewerton Helder Bentes de Castro Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM)


The search for the sacred has always been present in the life of the man who was concerned with the practice of his religiousness or spirituality. Therefore, the religious phenomenon through the mystical search and the practice of syncretism that involves a mix of practices and rituals that aim to provide the subject's well-being permeates the context of human civilization and would not be different in the Amazon region. However, it becomes important to understand religiosity and how this man builds his subjectivity based on practices so different from his culture.. This article is the result of a Master's Dissertation that proposed the investigation of how the Amazonian man, specifically that of the Amazon, builds his subjectivity from the contact with African-based cults, based on the analysis of Martin Heidegger's philosophy. Units of meanings were identified that allowed the formation of Categories of Analysis that served to understand how individuals constituted their subjectivity from religious practices. The study revealed that the individuals who practice African cults Umbanda and Candomblé constitute their subjectivity based on a process of taking care of the other or being-with-the-other in a proposal that taking care of the other, this being takes care of itself. I realize that in their historical trajectory, each of them was immersed in the knowledge about the religions of African origin that they profess, and the state of humor provided the understanding of their role, their possibilities, their power-being. The indication of why was established, revealing the meaning. The sense of being a member of an African religion; the sense of assuming the personality characteristics of their masters or guides; the sense for the facticities experienced daily that resulted in being who they are today, leaders of terreiros / sheds, taking responsibility for each one of those who seek them, in order to promote knowledge, relief, care.


Keywords: Amazonian man, religiosity, African Matrix Cults, Subjectivity, Phenomenology


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Author Biographies

Enio José de Andrade Rodrigues, Instituto Metropolitano de Ensino no - IME/ (FAMETRO) Manaus.

Mestre em Psicologia pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia – PPGPSI/UFAM. Especialista em Psicologia Clínica Social Ampliada pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas – UFAM Docente do curso de graduação e Pós-graduação do Instituto Metropolitano de Ensino no - IME/ (FAMETRO) Manaus.

Ewerton Helder Bentes de Castro, Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM)

Doutor em Psicologia pela FFCLRP/USP. Docente do curso de graduação e pós-graduação em Psicologia FAPSI/UFAM. Coordenador do Labfen.

