Experience and enjoyment of sexuality in the elderly




Experience, enjoyment, sexuality, older adults, sexual education


his article shares reflections on the experience and enjoyment of sexuality in older adults. Sexuality is contextualized within a biopsychosocial approach, which highlights the lack of education in sexual matters for older people, in addition to highlighting the importance of love, intimacy, passion and commitment as essential factors to enjoy sexuality in this life stage. Finally, the importance of recognizing and valuing the experience and sexual enjoyment of older adults is emphasized as an integral part of life, even though they may be affected by stereotypes and social prejudices that restrict their sexuality, highlighting the need to overcome existing barriers and promote education and open communication about sexuality at a time, to ensure that older people can express themselves and enjoy themselves fully, regardless of their age or situation. Emphasis is placed on the fact that sexuality at a glance is a fundamental aspect of human life and one that must be treated with greater attention and respect in today's society.


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Author Biography

Trino Javier Gascón González, División de Creación, Aplicación y Socialización del Conocimiento

Licenciado en Psicología Clínica. UBA. Especialista en Sistemas Educativos. UBA. Maestría en Educación. Mención Gerencia. UBA. Maestrante en Orientación en Sexología. CIPPSV. Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación. UBA. Doctorante en Psicología. UCAB. Doctor en Teología. ISTLEP. Postdoctor en Investigación Educativa y Epistemología. UPEL. Postdoctor en Investigación Transcompleja. UBA. Jefe de División de Creación, Aplicación y Socialización del Conocimiento. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3575-8535.


