he materiality of the bois-bumbás of Parintins

the integration between subjects and objects of devotion



popular culture, Printins, bois-bumbás, materiality


The essay aims to present reflections on the author's experience as a member of the jury of the 55th Parintins Folk Festival (2022), in relation to the celebrated objects - the Caprichoso and Garantido bois-bumbás. From the cultural exchanges between the perspective of the judge and the two folklore associations, from the oralities of their representatives, I seek to understand how the dispute between the oxen is overcome in the daily life of the inhabitants of Parintins. In the overlap between the forms of representation of the festival, with the Auto do Boi and the dichotomy of life and death, I examine the presence of the bois-bumbás in two moments: the real and the symbolic.


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Author Biography

Carlos Carvalho da Silva, Faculdade CENSUPEG

Mestre e Doutor em Artes Visuais - Imagem e Cultura, UFRJ. Vice-líder do Núcleo de Estudos de Carnavais e Festas - UFRJ/CNPq e consultor de cultura da UNESCO em parceria com a Prefeitura de Niterói/RJ. Atua como professor associado no curso Lato Sensu Gestão e Design em Carnaval na faculdade CENSUPEG. Atuou como professor convidado no curso de Figurino e Carnaval pela Universidade Veiga de Almeida. Foi o professor substituto, nos cursos de Artes Cênicas da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. E-mail: cenografo@hotmail.com . Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4426-7511

