Human body and symbolic behavior:
Ciwindo and Likankho among the Dema and Nyungwe of the Zambezi Valley (Mozambique)
Dema, Nyungwe, ciwindo and likankho, Mozambique.Abstract
In this article, in general terms, it is intended to present the human body and symbolic behavior present in it as something that exceeds the limits of understanding of the human. Far from being an individual body, among the Dema and Nyungwe of Mozambique, the human being is conceived as a social body that is formed and molded within the group by culture, in a continuous relationship and vital interaction with other bodies. In the Zambezi Valley, the body when it becomes ill is the target of an incessant hermeneutics where not only the inherent etiologies are sought, but also the therapeutic processes. The etiological model will determine the therapeutic model. Therefore, the human body is a locus full and revealing of countless meanings full of symbols and various techniques. This article is an effort to unveil such techniques, through the field of medical anthropology and symbolic systems.