Information For Authors

The Mesopotâmia Journal - amazonian journal of linguistic and literary studies, publication of the letters  graduate program of the Federal University of Amazonas, is a discussion forum on literary and linguistic studies, with special emphasis on the amazonian expression literature and linguistic studies of the Amazônia. Any other approaches in the area of letters and interfaces of linguistics and literature are also accepted. Mesopotâmia publishes only original and unpublished scientific articles. To be submitted to the Editorial Board, the papers, which can be written in Portuguese, Spanish and English, must meet the following requirements:

A. The article cannot have been previously published or distributed elsewhere;

B. The submission of an original work entails the authorisation of its publication by Mesopotâmia. The submitted article will belong to Mesopotâmia and there will be no financial compensation or payment to its authors regarding copyright;

C. The authors are entirely responsible for the ideas contained in the submitted works;

D. The author will be notified in case there’s any suggested change to the submitted work;

E. The Mesopotâmia journal will be published every six months, and submissions will be accepted at any moment;

F. The submission guidelines are available in the website;

G. The articles must be submitted via the Mesopotâmia website

H. The submitted articles will be sent to two peer reviewers. Should one reviewer not approve the article, the editors will send the article to a third reviewer. If two reviewers fail to approve the article, it will not be published;

I. The authors whose articles do not reach the publication stage will be notified.


1. Font Type: Times New Roman or Arial, size 12;

 2. Spacing: Simple between lines and paragraphs; double between different sections of the text and between the text and examples, citations, tables, et cetera;

 3. Images: They must either be made by the author or the author should have the necessary authorisation to publish them;

4. The bibliography (only for works actually cited in the text) must be referenced in the following way:


SURNAME, Forename. Title in italic. Publication city: Publisher, year of publication.
Ex.: SOUZA, Márcio. História da Amazônia: do período pré-colombiano aos desafios do século XXI. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2019.

SURNAME, Forename. Chapter title in italic. In: SURNAME, Forename (org.). Book title in intalic. Publication city: Publisher, publication date, pages.
GUEDELHA, Carlos Antônio Magalhães. Astrid Cabral: metáfora da infância domada. In: ALBUQUERQUE, G. A. S. & NASCIMENTO, M de F. (Orgs.). Poesia e ficção na Amazônia Brasileira. Campinas, SP: Pontes Editores, 2017. p. 11-22.


 SURNAME, Forename. Chapter title in italic. Journal title, volume and issue number, year of publication, pages.

 Ex.: GUEDELHA, Carlos Antônio Magalhães. Euclides da Cunha: dois livros como vingança. Revista Decifrar. v.2, n.1, 2013, p.29-43.

SURNAME, Forename. Title in italic: subtitle. Type of work (whether it is a dissertation or a thesis). Institution, local and publication date mentioned in the page with information about the defence/viva, page cited.

Ex.: ALVES, Valderiza de Almeida. Mad Maria, a Ferrovia do diabo: entre a ficção e a História. Tese (Mestrado em Letras), PPGL – Ufam, Manaus/AM, 2019, p. 80.

AUTHOR(S). Denomination or Title in italic: Subtitle. Information about the website presented.
Ex.: DE BARROS, J. Influências da história em quadrinhos na educação. Brasil Escola, 2017. Available at: <>. Accessed in 17 July 2017.


The citations in the text should be restricted to author’s surname, year of publication, and page cited, when necessary.
Ex.: (JAMESON, 1997, p. 32)

* The submitted articles must be, at least, ten pages long and, at most, twenty pages long. Bibliography, notes, summary, graphs, and images cannot be counted separately.


1. TITLE: Either in Portuguese, with its translation into English, or in the foreign language the article was originally written in, with its translation into Portuguese; centralised, with capital letters, in bold;

2. AUTHOR(S): Name of the author(s), two lines under the title, followed by a footnote with information regarding institution, city, country (if foreign), academic title, and email address;

3. SUMMARY: the text must be preceded by a summary in the language the article was written in and by an abstract in English. If the article was originally written in English, then the summary must be followed by an abstract in Portuguese. The words “SUMMARY” and “ABSTRACT” must come in capital letters, followed by two lines, three lines under the name of the author(s), without indent. The first line of the summary or abstract must come right after the word “SUMMARY” or “ABSTRACT”;

4. KEYWORDS: In the language in which the article was written in with a translation into English or, if the work was originally written in English, into Portuguese. Five keywords maximum, separated by dot.


Programa da Pós-Graduação em Letras

Secretaria do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade Federal do Amazonas.

Av. Gal. Rodrigo Otávio Jordão Ramos, 3000, Coroado, Campus Universitário, Pavilhão Prof. Mario Ypiranga Monteiro, CEP: 69077-000 – Manaus/AM.

Contact Information:


Prof. Dr. Carlos Antônio Magalhães Guedelha

Profa. Dra. Iná Isabel de Almeida Rafael
