Macrofungos da Família Agaricaceae encontrados em guias ilustrados (fotografia) para a identificação de espécies


  • Flávio Filipe Barros Prestes
  • Laís Guastovara David
  • Vitória Mística Botelho Nascimento
  • Laura Nicoli Resende
  • Felipe Sant’ Anna Cavalcante
  • Renato Abreu Lima
  • Osvanda Silva de Moura Universidade Federal de Rondônia


Diversidade; Conhecimento; Conservação.


Illustrated guides showcase the key characteristics of tissues, species, or patterns, providing essential information that aids in the understanding of study materials. These guides are crucial tools for enhancing visual, theoretical, and scientific knowledge on specific topics. They also play an important role in reconnecting people with nature by sparking interest not only in scientific content but also in plants, animals, rivers, rocks, and fungi, such as those in the Agaricaceae family. This family is widespread globally. This research aimed to conduct a bibliographic review of illustrated guides produced in Brazil over the last 12 years (2011-2023) and to catalog the species and genera of the Agaricaceae family featured in them. The study focused on works related to the proposed topic, analyzing articles, TCC, books, and guides, and using keywords such as illustrated guides, Agaricaceae, macrofungi, and Brazil. Electronic platforms like Field Guides, Google Scholar, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), and CAPES Journals were utilized. Five works were conducted in the Northern Region, while the Northeast, Southeast, and Central-West regions two works. A total of 97 samples were recorded, with 46 identified at the species level and 51 at the genus level. While macrofungi guides are highly beneficial, few are freely available, underscoring the need for more guides to assist in the identification process.


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