A percepção dos agricultores familiares sobre os efeitos da pandemia de COVID-19
Um estudo sobre as principais dificuldades financeiras enfrentadas em um município Amazonense.
Family farming; Financial management; COVID-19; Pandemic.Abstract
The emergence of COVID-19 brought several difficulties to the Brazilian social system, the state of Amazonas was one of the most affected by virus contamination, protective/preventive measures consisted of social distancing and the closure of shops and fairs, which worsened the local economic situation . Briefly, the research aimed to identify the difficulties in relation to production, sales and revenue, especially during the pandemic years without the use of accounting tools, and to demonstrate whether, after the crisis period, producers had the initiative to use accounting to better control their projects. Questionnaires were applied in the field on the universe of producers with family farmer certification, additional information was sought in secondary sources such as public portals and social networks regarding expenditures related to family farming, the analysis was divided into three parts entitled profile participant, property profile and government and agriculture. The research participants have diverse profiles and it may be unusual to find a significant pattern within the sample, however, regarding their self-analysis on accounting knowledge, it is clear how uninformed the producers are regarding the use of accounting tools, in the government and agriculture section it is observed how unassisted they felt during the pandemic.