
  • Brígida D´Oliveira Singo


In the currently trend, the governance of HEIs is corporate governance and has arrived as a way that has allowed HEIs and other organizations to be transparently directed and monitored. This corporate dynamic encompasses the relationship between those involved, in administration, supervision, and control. The question that arises is "how do you know if your HEI is on the path to governance"? The answer to this question should be related to good corporate governance practices, and be based on the four principles (transparency, fairness, accountability, and corporate responsibility). The adequacy and adoption of these, results in a climate of trust internally and in relations with third parties. However, it must be recognized that whatever governance requires structured planning from the organization or HEI. Therefore, each HEI needs to define a model that will follow it in its day-to-day operations. Today, we see that in the last decades of the 20th century, administrative reform has become an agenda item in most governments. In this context, the New Public Management (NPM) model emerges in public administration. The adoption of this paradigm focuses on solving public management problems, promoting competitiveness among suppliers of public goods and services, whose expectation is to improve the provision of quality service to the citizen. It must allow the available resources to be used in a profitable way and production costs to be reduced. The NGP model where the state was a producer, now becomes a financer and regulator of the activity of higher education institutions, so the competitive spirit is obviously replaced by collaboration. The article intends to present how the traditional trajectory of governance in HEIs is organized, albeit hierarchical, and to propose forms appropriate to current market demands. Results: grouping of the different governance alternatives into three management models: hierarchical, market, and network.

 Keywords: Governance; Administration; Management and Corporate Governance.


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Author Biography

Brígida D´Oliveira Singo

Profa. Dra. Atuando na Universidade Licungo, Campos de Murropué

