A generous look at life:
a phenomenological study on man's existential emptiness in the light of Viktor Frankl's logotherapy!
existential emptiness, noogenic neurosis, logotherapy and meaning in life.Abstract
Observing a considerable number of people, both in the psychological office and also in recent research, complaining of a permanent existential void and lack of will to live. I decided to face this problem and went in search of a look at life that could rescue this individual from the existential void and suffering that consume them. The proposal for “A Generous Look at Life” came up, based on Viktor Frankl's theory. The objective of this work is to explain the basis and practice of logotherapy in Viktor Frankl, discuss the nature of man, as a being of freedom, responsibility, and finally, address the relevance of logotherapy in the treatment of individual neuroses in the contemporary world, in other words, the existential void, considered the evil of the century. Some parameters of the phenomenological-psychological method of research in psychology were used, such as: exhaustive reading of the writing, identification of units of meaning, elaboration of analysis categories. The analysis was based on the theory of Viktor Frankl and his disciples. Three categories of analysis were created: 1 Existential emptiness and the meaning of life. 2. Conceptual dimension of Logotherapy, and 3 Prevalence of neurosis/risk and clinical intervention. It is concluded that, among all essentially human dimensions, the noetic dimension must be fundamentally considered as a fundamental factor in the process of identifying, confronting and overcoming suffering