Teaching and learning the Fula language, portuguese in the Bafatá and Gabu regions (Eastern Province) Guinea-Bissau and the Nyungwe of Tete – Mozambique:



Fula, Guiné-Bissau, Nyungwe, Tete, Mozambique


During the historical process of intercultural contacts between the West and the New World, this process was guided by scientific dualisms that culminated in the creation of an appreciation of the Western world and the depreciation of the peoples, languages ​​and cultures of the New World. In this sense, we are interested in knowing what is the importance of the language and culture of a people as an identity in the face of intercultural contacts? This work will present the basic notions of African culture and languages, Fula from Guinea-Bissau and Nyungwe from Tete-Mozambique. This work aims to prove that culture and language are an intrinsic part of a people's identity and that there are no superior or inferior cultures. Therefore, all cultures are rich and equal in their differences manifested in different domains, be it linguistic, religious, symbolic as well as kinship, among others.


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Author Biographies

Ussumane Balé, PPGECH-UFAM

Ussumane Balé

Bacharel em Ensino. Mestrando em Ensino de Ciências e Humanidades, PPGECH-UFAM, Bolsista CAPES;

E-mail: baldeussumane079@gmail.com

Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0004-0009-0226

País: Guiné-Bissau


Suely Aparecida do Nascimento Mascarenhas, Universidade Federal do Amazonas


Licenciada em Pedagogia (UNIR, 1987), Doutora em Psicopedagogia (UDC, Espanha, 2004) – Docente Universidade Federal do Amazonas – UFAM (2006-atual), atuando na graduação e pós-graduação, Orientadora da pesquisa.

E-mail: suelyanm@ufam.edu.br

Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0545-5712

País: Brasil

Antônio Alone Maia, UniRovuma, Moçambique

Dr. Em antropologia, USP

Docente na UniRovuma, Moçambique; Docente visitante estrangeiro PPGECH-UFAM

E-mail: alonemaia13@gmail.com

Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3500-8235


