Uma proposta de atividade sobre relações trigonométricas para o 3º ano do ensino médio a partir do Kamal Náutico



Trigonometric Relations, Theory of Didactic Situations (TSD), Kamal Náutico, History of Mathematics


The History of Mathematics has been gaining more and more space in the field of Mathematics Education, mainly due to the possibilities of resources that it can provide for the educational scenario. Mathematical instruments are an example of these resources coming from history. As a way of moving towards studies that have explored mathematical instruments, with a view to favoring the process of teaching and learning mathematics, we selected the Kamal Náutico instrument for study. Our objective is to present a proposal for an activity that uses the nautical instrument known as Kamal, addressing the concept of Trigonometric Relations, specifically, the tangent, with the target audience being students in the 3rd year of high school, under the theoretical support of the Theory of Situations Didactics (TSD). The research is developed based on a qualitative, exploratory approach. The expected results are to enable the student to explore mathematical concepts in a practical way, breaking the expository bias, normally present in the areas of exact sciences. In the end, it is concluded that this is a meticulously thought out work with a wealth of mathematical details, addressing the development of a diverse activity, together with historical highlights of extreme importance for knowledge and relationship with the History of Mathematics and also with the presence of content that is difficult for students to understand.


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Author Biographies

Letícia de Souza Castro, Universidade Estadual do Ceará

Graduação em licenciatura em matemática pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará. Email: Orcid:

Tamiris Paula de Moura , Universidade Estadual do Ceará

Graduação em licenciatura em matemática pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará. Email: Orcid:

Francisco Wagner Soares Oliveira, Universidade Estadual do Ceará

Doutor em educação e professor adjunto do curso de licenciatura em matemática da Universidade Estadual do Ceará. Email: Orcid:

