The Intersection between Critical Phenomenological Psychology and Raciality



Critical Phenomenological Psychology, Raciality, Intersectionalities, Research perspectives


The study aims to establish the significant relevance of the intersection between critical phenomenological psychology and raciality, highlighting the extreme importance of thoroughly understanding how racial experiences manifest themselves intrinsically and directly in the psychosocial reality of individuals who are experiencing these situations. It is a qualitative study, in the form of a theoretical essay. The foundations of Phenomenological Psychology are presented, its origin and main concepts, Critical Phenomenological Psychology, principles and assumptions, contribution to the critical analysis of reality, Raciality and Psychology, social construction of race, structural and institutional racism, Dialogue between Critical Phenomenological Psychology and Raciality Studies, points of convergence and divergence, Research Methodologies: possibilities, Case studies and practical applications: and the view becomes comprehensive, Critical Phenomenology and Raciality studies. It is concluded that developing studies in the intertwining of Critical Phenomenological Psychology and Studies in Raciality is a significant and effective contribution to the understanding and transformation of various social issues, towards a more just and equitable society.


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Author Biographies

Janderson Costa Meira, Federal University of Paraná

Learning the Postgraduate Program in Psychology from UFPR. Psychologist from ESBAM. Human Resources Manager for UNIP – Manaus. Member of the Phenomenological-existential Psychology Research Group (CNPq). Member of the Laboratory of Phenomenological-existential Psychology (LABFEN/UFAM). Planner of the Psychological Plant Extension Project in schools of the public education system in Manaus. Former Academic Director of the Academic League of Phenomenological-existential Psychology – LAPFE (FAPSI/UFAM). Email: Orcid:

Elizangela da Silva Brasil, IEV/Manaus

Postgraduate in Phenomenological-existential Clinical Psychology from IEV/Manaus Psychologist graduated from the Metropolitan Faculty of Manaus – FAMETRO. Email: Member of the Phenomenological-existential Psychology Research Group (CNPq). Member of the Laboratory of Phenomenological-existential Psychology (LABFEN/UFAM). Planner of the Psychological Plant Extension Project in schools of the public education system in Manaus. Orcid:

Gabriela Monteiro da Silva, IEV/Manaus

Postgraduate in Clinical Phenomenological-existential Psychology by IEV/Manaus. Psychologist graduated from UNINORTE. Email: Member of the Phenomenological-existential Psychology Research Group (CNPq). Member of the Laboratory of Phenomenological-existential Psychology (LABFEN/UFAM). Supervisor of the Psychological Plant Extension Project in schools of the public education system in Manaus. Director of Communication of the Academic League of Phenomenological-existential Psychology – LAPFE/UFAM. Orcid:

Débora Moutinho Rodrigues, Fametro Colleges

Postgraduate in Clinical Phenomenological-existential Psychology by IEV/Manaus. Graduated psychologist from Fametro. Member of the Phenomenological-existential Psychology Laboratory/Ufam. Member of the Academic League of Phenomenological-existential Psychology/Ufam. Email: Member of the Phenomenological-existential Psychology Research Group (CNPq). Orcid:

Diana Almeida do Rosário, IEV/Manaus

Postgraduate in Clinical Phenomenological-existential Psychology by IEV/Manaus. Specialist in Organizational and Work Psychology. Graduated from Paulista University. Member of the Phenomenological-existential Psychology Laboratory/Ufam. Member of the Academic League of Phenomenological-existential Psychology/Ufam. Member of the Phenomenological-existential Psychology Research Group (CNPq) E-mail: Orcid:

