And after the psychopathological diagnosis?

Reflections on the viability of being based on a case study


  • Keila Lumi Sugahara Universidade Estadual de Maringá


Mental health, psychopatology, psychotherapeutic techniques, phenomenological psychology, phenomenology.


Care in mental health must individualize and return to the subject the guardianship and care of their existence. Given the constant prioritization of studies that are purely directed at the description of pathologies, it is necessary to undertake initiatives that discuss the viability of Being after the psychopathological diagnosis, starting from the reality of the subject who experiences this reality in their daily life. The objective of this study is to discuss the meanings attributed to the psychopathological diagnosis and the opening to the horizon of possibilities aligned with the phenomenological approach without excluding the subjectivity and particularity of the subject. This study is qualitative in nature, structured through a case study. The findings showed that the psychopathological diagnosis affects different modes of human existence, with psychotherapy being a possibility for opening the horizon of meanings.


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Author Biography

Keila Lumi Sugahara, Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Health Specialist in Urgent and Emergency Care through the Multidisciplinary Integrated Residency modality. Graduated in Psychology from the State University of Maringá. Email:

