

Legal psychologist, mental health and laws, psychology and law.


Psychology covers several areas of activity, when it comes to cases involving the law, there is legal psychology, which starts from the overlapping of knowledge in psychology and law, which makes it possible to deal with issues such as mental illness involved and its implications in civil proceedings and criminal matters, in addition to participating in the judiciary in various ways, such as criminal law, issues relating to the family, childhood and adolescence, witnesses, interrogation, etc. Psychology independent of the theoretical approach can be of paramount importance in the course of various legal cases, psychoanalysis, participation regarding witnesses and psychological assessment are some examples covered in this article, which aims to understand what legal psychology is, its relevance, forms of action and implications, in addition to encompassing the subjective nature inherent to the fact of dealing with human beings and the human perspective on everything that involves each case, for better resolution of conflicts, disputes and processes in general. In this way, some aspects of this science were considered, such as the need for knowledge in psychology, to work on different cases, which require understanding not only the law, but human behavior and society, in addition to contextualizing, analyzing the circumstances and verifying with the tools available and restrictive of psychologists, data that would not be possible without a legal psychology professional.


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Author Biographies

Mauro Batista Negreiros, FATEC


Mestre em Psicologia pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM. Especialista em Saúde Metal, Álcool e Outras Drogas pela Universidade Estadual do Amazonas – UEA. Especialista em Docência do Ensino Superior pela Faculdade Kuriós. Bacharel em Psicologia pela UFAM. docente da Disciplina Psicologia Jurídica da FATEC. E-mail: Orcid

Jane da Silva Paes, Federal University of Amazonas

Mestranda em Psicologia pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM.  Especialista em Psicologia Clínica de Base Fenomenológica pelo Instituto de Ensino Vision.  Especialista em Saúde Coletiva pela Faculdade Venda Nova do Imigrante (FAVENI).  Bacharela e Psicologia pela UFAM. Licenciada em Pedagogia pela Faculdade Única de Ipatinga (FUNIP).  Professora do curso de Psicologia da Universidade Nilton Lins (Manaus-AM). Preceptora em Psicologia na Pós-graduação em Saúde Pública com ênfase em Estratégia de Saúde da Família (UEA/ESAP). Coordenadora Adjunta da Liga Acadêmica de Psicologia Fenomenológico-Existencial (LAPFE/UFAM). Membro do Laboratório de Psicologia Fenomenológico-Existencial LABFEN (FAPSI/UFAM). Supervisora no Projeto   de   Extensão   Plantão   Psicológico   em   escolas   do   sistema público de ensino em Manaus.  E-mail: Orcid:


