Training in Psychology

theoretical essay!



Training in Psychology, teaching, curricular guidelines, perspectives


Training in Psychology in our country goes back a long time. The teaching milestone itself is directly related to the year 1962. From then on, efforts have been undertaken by the Federal Council to consolidate, in various aspects, the training process in this area of knowledge in our country. The objective of this essay is to understand the pluridimensionality of Psychology training in Brazil. A series of factors considered fundamental for the consolidation of undergraduate and postgraduate courses are presented. Thus, some relevant topics are brought up: the history of Psychology in Brazil, regulation as a profession, training in Psychology, ethics and code of ethics, professional performance, challenges and trends, social impacts, ethical challenges and diversity, future perspectives, Psychology and the System Health Unit, graduates. It is concluded that there is much to be done beyond hermetic theoretical-methodological idealizations and that important themes are transversal to training and not training itself.


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