
between the international and the legal, there is poetry in discussion!



Biome, amazon, environment, poetry


The Amazon is a region of enormous importance for the planet's environmental balance. It is home to the world's largest rainforest, which plays a key role in regulating the global climate, conserving biodiversity and maintaining hydrological cycles. On the other hand, it faces a series of environmental challenges, such as deforestation, fires, illegal exploitation of natural resources and climate changes that threaten the future. In this way, the article aims to understand the importance of this region in terms of history, extension and biodiversity through bibliographical research and to promote a critical-reflexive analysis regarding the authorial poetry entitled “A voz do clamor” in order to make a connection between this is the revealed reality of the Amazon. With this, we seek to sensitize the reader about the importance of this region, addressing the natural wealth that awakens socio-environmental awareness, encourages reflection on the protection of this unique ecosystem and transmits the message that everyone has a strategic role in the preservation of the Amazon for generations to come. to come. We emphasize that it is essential that each individual recognize their part in this process and actively engage in the protection and preservation of this biome, which is so rich for the global environmental balance. After all, the responsibility for taking care of the Amazon is not just the responsibility of governments or specific organizations, but of all of us!


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Author Biographies

Luciandro Tassio Ribeiro de Souza, Federal University of Western Pará

Master's student at the Graduate Program in Society, Environment and Quality of Life at the Federal University of Western Pará – (PPGSAQ/UFOPA). Graduated in Literature - Portuguese and Literatures of the Portuguese Language by the Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA 2014 - 2017). Degree in Educational Informatics from the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA 2018 - 2022). Specialist in Languages - Portuguese and Literature by Faculdade Venda Nova do Imigrante (FAVENI 2019 - 2020). Specialist in Special and Inclusive Education and Libras by Faculdade Estratego (2021-2022). Email:

Tania Suely Azevedo Brasileiro, Federal University of Western Pará

Post-doctorate in Psychology at the University of São Paulo (IP/USP). PhD in Education from Universidad Rovira i Virgili/Spain (title revalidated at FE/USP). Psychologist and Pedagogue. Full Professor at the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA), assigned to the Institute of Educational Sciences (ICED), along with a degree in Educational Informatics. Permanent professor of the Graduate Programs: Society, Environment and Quality of Life - academic master's degree (PPGSAQ/UFOPA); Society, Nature and Development - PhD (PPGSNDUFOPA) and PhD in Education in the Amazon - Full Association in Network (PGEDA/EDUCANORTE), taking over the coordination of PGEDA at Polo Santarém (UFOPA – UNIR) (2020-2022). Leader of the study and research group PRAXIS UFOPA (CNPq). Research guide. Orcid ID:

