Academic training of couples therapists

fragments about resistance in couple psychoanalysis



Couple therapy, bond, resistance


It’s a study about the resistance in the psychoanalytic couple clinic that is based on in the experience of curricular and voluntary internship carried out in the Customer Service Psychological (SAP) of the Federal University of Roraima (UFRR), in the modality of attendance at a couple's psychoanalytic clinic for two years. For the realization of this study, it was necessary to go through the elaboration and revision of the concept of resistance, establishing itself as specific objectives: to examine signs of resistance of the members of the couple in the management of the psychoanalytic couple clinic. It’s a survey of descriptive qualitative type that, methodologically, permeates the fields of exegesis, of hermeneutics, and of interpretation. From a group of seven couples who participated in the psychotherapeutic care, analyzing the transcription of fragments of oral reports of four couples. The data obtained were analyzed based on the psychoanalytic framework Freudian. The results validate the request for the manifestation of resistance and resistance demonstrates theoretical support based on the identification and classification of forms of resistance in clinical care. Therefore, consider that the resistance has forms and different origins and installs itself from a charge of energy that constitutes the repressed and how a phenomenon renews itself in the analytical process, indicating the state in that the treatment is in relation to its evolution and, even in its suspension, by bringing the repressed to consciousness, it can enable the patient to understand his symptoms, urging him to rethink them and make changes in his life, given the effects that interpretation can operate in analysis.


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Author Biography

Maria do Socorro Lacerda Gomes, Federal University of Roraima - UFRR

Associate Professor at the Federal University of Roraima (UFRR). PhD in Psychology from the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” - UNESP. Master in Education from the Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM. E-mail: and Link lattes: ORCID: Associate Professor at the Federal University of Roraima (UFRR).

