Rima, Métrica, Poema sinalizadoAbstract
This small study is embedded in the area of sign literature and was feasible thanks to the use of Sign Writing. Usually, the production of poems in Libras, when it is not permeated by the Portuguese language for registration purposes, it's recorded in video, an aspect that, in my opinion, does not favor the analysis of literary production in sign language. The study is being carried out through analysis of poems produced in Libras and registered in Sign Writing VisoGrafia, an aspect that has allowed us to perceive visual and metrical rhymes in the analyzed poems. The main objective is to analyze Cao Benassi's poem "Querer" (2017), establishing the main forms of rhymes, as well as a brief approach to the metrical aspect of the poem. This study is an unfolding of the object of the thesis "VisoGrafia: the problem of the material, content and form in the writing of sign language", presenting as main results, the understanding of what is rhyme and metric in the poems in Libras and how they are effective in the signaled literary production.
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