
  • Marcelo da Cruz Nascimento Universidade de Brasília


Keywords: Ukiyo-e Heroes; ukiyo-e; Japanese pop culture; mitate; yatsushi.


Reflecting about Japanese pop culture and ukiyo-e, the “floating world pictures” art, this work presents and analyses the Ukiyo-e Heroes serie woodblock prints, from the northamerican illustrator Jed Henry. It succinctly shows the pop culture promotion in Japan and its propagation worldwide; besides it discourses about the historical period that enabled the ukiyo-e art creation and development. Analysis by this art’s characteristics, styles and technics and the aplicattion of mitate and yatsushi concepts (forms of expression highly used in pre-modern Japanese period) enables to categorize those new woodblock prints as ukiyo-e works and to understand how a traditional Japanese art has ceded its traits to contemporary Japanese pop culture, making capable to turn videogame characters in art.


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